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Identifying Spam Emails

One of the most common ways personal data gets leaked, or viruses get onto a computer, is through spam emails. In these emails, opening files sent as attachments or clicking on hyperlinks to unknown websites should be avoided at all costs, otherwise, malware could do serious damage to not just your computer, but all of your business’ network.

Another common type of deceptive email is called Spoofing. This means that someone can pose as one of your colleagues; you will see that the name on the email is the same, but if you look closer at the originating email address, you might find it is merely made to look very similar, with really minor changes.

It is best to always question emails coming in requesting bank transfers to cover business costs, even if they come from someone you believe to be legitimate.

Hacked email accounts can be very dangerous. If an outside source gains access to a colleague’s account and sends something you deem to be suspicious, you should try to contact this person through some other means, as opposed to email. If the email has been infiltrated it could send links to even more people, compromising everyone.

If you believe you have received a spam email, the first thing to do is to check who is sending you the email; don’t open anything you are suspicious of. If it is Spam and you are still unsure, contact your IT support team to let them know.

They can block the sender or isolate any hacked accounts, as well as perform virus scans on your system to ensure it is clean of malware.

We have a team of IT experts always available to help you and your teams deal with annoying and time-consuming IT issues. To find out more about our services and how we can help your business to become more productive, contact us for a friendly chat.


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