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Computer Security Day

Computer Security Day is held yearly on the 30th of November to raise awareness for digital security. In a world where information has become our most valuable asset, preserving it personally and professionally is pivotal. We have put together a simple list of basic but essential tips to help you safeguard your computer and sensitive …

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Cartoon Contest – 2021

As an innovative IT Support and Technology company, TechVertu knows very well the importance of increasing public awareness concerning Information Technology Challenges in today’s personal and business environment. Thus, we organised this ground-breaking International Cartoon Contest to pass our corporate message to the public. The following online gallery includes all the artwork submitted to TechVertu …

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5 Main Reasons Why Your Company Should Outsource It’s IT Services

Here at TechVertu, we provide outsourced IT support for all manner of businesses. Included in this list are five of the main reasons why we believe having a dedicated team of IT technicians working alongside your business is so important. A diverse pool of experience Having a wealth of knowledge from all different IT backgrounds …

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10 Signs That it is Time to Change IT Services Providers

Changing IT providers may appear to be more trouble than it’s worth. Still, when considering lower costs, saved time, and improved service, an outsourced IT service is precisely what most successful businesses need. Generally, companies continue to use the same IT provider for prolonged periods due to convenience and dependability. However, it is essential to …

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10 Factors to Consider When Outsourcing IT Support Services

‍Outsourced IT support could be a critical aspect of a company’s infrastructure. Without efficient, reliable, and consistent IT performance, a large majority of organisations would not be able to function. In this article, we will discuss factors you should consider when outsourcing IT support services. What is outsourced IT support? For some companies having a …

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